Social Work Services
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Defend and promote their rights and responsibilities
Explore choices and options
Express their views and concerns
Access information and services
An advocate might help you access information you need, or go with you to meetings or interviews, in a supportive role. In some cases, you might want your advocate to be more active. An advocate might write letters on your behalf, or speak for you in situations where you don’t feel able to speak for yourself.
If you require this specialised service then please give us a call. We support people to gain independence
supporting our children every step of the way
Tell us where you need. We have it covered.
An advocate is someone who can both listen to you and speak for you in times of need. Advocacy in all its forms seeks to ensure that people are able to speak out, to express their views and defend their rights. For people who already experience discrimination and exclusion on the basis of their ethnic or cultural background, physical disability, gender, sexuality or age, it can create barriers to social inclusion. It can make voicing opinions, wants and needs almost impossible. Advocacy is a process of supporting and enabling people to: